A - Age at Which you Started TTC: 39
B - Baby Dancing or Sex: Sex
C - Children Wanted: 2
D - Dogs/Cats/Fill In Babies: 2 dogs at home, 7 nieces and 3 nephews at their homes
E - Essential Oils/Vitamins: I take a prenatalvitamin, vitamin D, COQ10, POM, bromelin
F - Fertility Meds I've Taken: Femara, Menopur, Progesterone, Gonal-F, Lupron, PNV, folic acid, dexamethasone, aspirin, and probably some others I don't remember.
G - Gain, What I have Gained from Infertility: Besides a bunch of weight and a broken heart? Hhhmmm . . .
H - HSG: Yes
I - Infertile Pet Peeve: People who open their fat mouths without knowing anything about IF. Just STFU if you don't know what you're talking about please.
J - Job Title: Teacher
K - Kids Names you are Afraid will be Taken: At age 43, most are gone & I refuse to share my ideas just in case.
L - Lengh of Time TTC: over 4 years
M - Miscarriages: 3
N - Number of Times you have Swiched REs: 2
O - Ovarian Quality: My ovaries are fine but basically depleted of any eggs
P - POAS or Wait for AF: Nothing like peeing on everything you can.
Q - Quote from an Obnoxious Fertile: You don't really want kids, do you?! I'd do anything to sleep in just one day.
S - Sperm: I don't have any. DH has plenty.
T - Time you Tried Naturally: over 1 year
U - Uterus Quality: Still there and bleeds like a mother every 28 days.
V - Vagina: Surprisingly hasn't died after all the surgeries, u/s, AFs and TTC.
W - What Baby Stuff do you Already Have: I'd have to go look at everything hidden under the bed & I refuse to do that. I know we have a couple of outfits, bottles, formula, diaper bag, formula bag, nursing cover, maternity clothes & more
X - Xtra, Xtra, Hear all about it! How many people know about your TTC Journey: Practically everyone.
Y - Yearly Exam: Always.
Z - Zits: Think I may just get back on the pill so my skin will clear up. It's been AWFUL except for when I was doing IVF meds.
Q. WOW! who the heck says that to someone? Even if I was feeling tired and worn out I would never ever say that especially to someone who was trying to have childre. Ugh.
Yep, yep and yep....just read through that all.
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