Blessed by Our Baby Girl

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Our Journey

This is the place where you go to find out where we have been.  You'll see what happened when to whom and (sometimes) why.  You'll see who has been all in our business and how we fought a good, long battle that we lost . . . in a way . . . but not really.  (Note: The show here is free.  Popcorn not provided.)


03.10.07 - Married!
03.27.07 - BFP!, EDD 12.5.07
04.24.07 - M/C #1, 8w3d
04.25.07 - D & C
07.21.07 - BFP, EDD 3.30.08
08.01.07 - found new OB/Gyn
08.17.07 - saw heartbeat
08.20.07 - M/C #2 began (natural), 8w1d
09.26.07 - RPL testing shows homozygous MTHFR
12.17.07 - seen by OB/Gyn for pain, fibroid growth detected
03.13.08 - BFP, EDD 11.17.08
03.17.08 - M/C #3 (chem pg), betas dropping
04.10.08 - Hysteroscopy/Laparoscopy/Myomectomy (Surgery called EHLC-Rita)
05.06.08 - RE appt, deciding where to go from here
05.21.08 - Going to give it a last shot on our own before using RE intervention.
09.21.08 - Still giving it that "last shot".
10.06.08 - Back to RE for SHG, tons of blood drawn
10.10.08 - SHG shows "uterine abnormality" (surgery scheduled), ALL bloodwork NORMAL
10.30.08 - Began daily Rx of 10mg of progestin. Loads of hormonal fun.
11.6.08 - Misoprostol dose to dilate cervix in preparation for surgery. Cramps & bleeding.
11.7.08 - Hysteroscopy and myomectomy/polypectomy to remove submucal fibroid. Possible uterine septum found.
12.12.08 - HSG shows closed left tube, septate or bicornuate uterus.
12.13.08 - MRI for closer views of bum uterus. Xanax is nice.
12.18.08 - RE gives Dx of Bicornuate Uterus
01.08.09 - RE = FIRED
01.09.09 - Fired RE changes Dx, NO Bicornuate Uterus, fundal fibroid, surgery recommended
01.14.09 - OB/gyn says to have sex, get pg, start Lovenox.
05.01.09 - "Plan A" is in action, but it looks like "Plan B" may be coming soon to a uterus near you.
07.16.09 - New Plan - no Plan B (surgery), Femara & IUI scheduled for next month (Cycle 28)
08.06.09 - Started Femara 2.5mg, CD3
08.19.09 - IUI cancelled due to immature follicular development
09.04.09 - Started Femara 5mg, CD3
09.16.09 - IUI #1
09.26.09 - IUI failed, AF arrives 3 days early, Crap.
09.30.09 - IUI cycle #2 cancelled due to 2 cysts (19 & 13mm)
10.26.09 - Began acupuncture
11.2009 - Forced break due to my Dx of H1N1 (swine flu)
12.2009 - Break by choice
01.22.10 - after Femara 5mg, acupuncture, trigger, perfect lining, perfect #s for DH, & IUI #2 = BFN
02.05.10 - IUI #3 = BFN
03.2010 - Break while we figure out what to do . . . again.
04.22.10 - Consultation with IVF Specialist "Dr. Super"
05.04.10 - "There's your answer," says Dr. Super.  Office hysteroscopy shows 25% of uterus covered in scar tissue
06.17.10 - Another surgery. Dr. Terrific did a hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and myomectomy to remove scar tissue, a polyp and add diamonds to my bum ute check it all out.
07.01.10 - All clear!  "Go get pregnant!"
10.15.10 - Dr. Super finds my AMH to be extremely low (0.1/7.0). Due to DOR, he recommends IVF now
10.19.10 - Mr. and Mrs. Rambler make the decision to try IVF - ONCE
10.25.10 - AF a week late, BFNs, u/s shows no cysts, Provera
10.30.10 - IVF Protocol determined - Breaking out the BIG GUNS with LA10-EV2 w/ EPP protocol
10.31.10 - AF finally arrives, CD1 of IVF cycle - BCP begins
11.05.10 - Began daily Dexamethasone (oral med) and Lupron injections for IVF
11.09.10 - BCP finished
11.12.10 - Lupron finished, Began Ganirelix injections
11.15.10 - E2V injection
11.19.10 - E2V injection
11.21.10 - Began E2V (Estradiol) vaginal suppositories
11.22.10 - Began stims - GonalF (750iu) injections
11.25.10 - Drop GonalF to 375iu, begin Menopur injections
11.29.10 - 1st Monitoring Appt. - only TWO follies (suck suck suck)
12.03.10 - 2nd Monitoring Appt. - follies disappeared, non-responsive to IVF meds. 

DONE.Fuck this shit.

We don't give up that easily!

11.11.11 - Submitted our application and down payment to the adoption agency!
12.17.11 - Home Study = PASSED!
01.02.11 - Fully active with agency and can be presented to potential birth families.
01.17.12 - Hysterectomy.  Goodbye to The Rambler's Bum UTE! 
             (Would you keep a broken car?!)

02.22.12 - Now, one surgery for the year wouldn't be enough right?  Let's rip out her gall
              bladder next.  Fun!

08.22.12 - THE CALL came - we are were selected by a birth mother!!
08.29.12 - Met BM and fell in love.  MATCHED!
09.05.12 - It's a GIRL!
09.11.12 - Katherine Leigh (Baby Rambler) was born and our hearts were filled.  Now it all makes sense. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord." Jer. 29:11
12.17.12 - Finalization Day!  Katherine Leigh legally becomes a Rambler.  Paper can't tell us what our hearts already know.

We ARE parents.  We DO have children.  We DID NOT let DNA dictate what our family is and can become.

Meet some of the players who were in my hooha a part of the process to become a family:

* The Rambler/kekis: Me
* DH/Mr. Rambler: My Husband
* Bum Utemy broken, beaten, baby-killing, empty uterus, ripped out 1.17.12
* Dr. Terrific (Dr. T): OB/gyn
* Nurse Excellent (Nurse E): Dr. T's nurse/wing girl
* Nurse Amazing (Nurse A): Dr. T's 2nd nurse/wing girl
* The Puncturess: My IF Acupuncturist
* Dr. Super (Dr. S): IF/IVF Specialist
* Nurse Johnny-on-the-Spot (Nurse J): Dr. Super's IVF Coordinating Nurse
* Nurse Helpful (Nurse H): Dr. Super's IVF Nurse
* Ms. KeepOurCash (Ms. K): IVF Finanical Manager
* Freedom Fertility Pharmacy (FFP): Awesome Pharmacy and Fertility Advocate

The Adoption Team:
* Awesome A: Co-owner of the Adoption Agency
* "J": Our beautiful, amazing, wonderful Birth Mother (BM) who changed our lives due to her sacrifice.

Players Released from the Team:
Dr. Missed-the-Class-On-Bedside-Manner (Dr. M) - OB/Gyn, fired 8/07
Dr. Gloom & Doom (Dr. G&D) - RE, fired 1/09


STRIKES We Had Against Us

* Adenomyosis
* AMA - Advanced Maternal Age
* Endometriosis - Stage 3
* Hypertension
* Low AMH (0.1/7.0)
* MTHFR - homozygous mutation of C677t
* Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
* Stupid Time-Wasting RE (fired)
* Uterine Fibroids
* Uterine Polyps
* Complete Hysterectomy

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