Yeah, I know . . . "If everyone jumped off a building, would you do it, too?" The answer is maybe. Guess it would depend on who is jumping. :)
I first saw the 30 Days of Blogging challenege on
Susan's blog. Since then, everyone else seems to be doing it as well. So, yes, I am jumping off a bloggy building with everyone. Deal with it.
Why don't you join us and do it too?! Feel free to borrow my list and post it on your blog. Let me know if you are taking the challenge by leaving a comment and/or linking back here, so we all can read your ramblings.
Day 1: My Current Relationship
This is easy. I'm married to Mr. Rambler. We've been married for four years and ten days. We dated for almost 3 1/2 years before we married. We shacked for a little over 2 of those years. I went into the ugly cry when he proposed. He's almost 6'4". I mean, what am I really supposed to write? Guess I better do some digging.
My DH is a man of such strong character. He always does the right thing because it's the right thing to do. He is by no means perfect, but he is perfect for me. He is patient with me. Sometimes he even thinks I'm funny (which I AM!). He is very tender-hearted whether it always shows or not. He LOVES Christmas. It's all I can do to keep him away from the Christmas decor until Thanksgiving is over. The love he shows for our pets is amazing. I know that he will be a good father, and I hope and pray that happens. Not only do I want a baby/family, he does as well. I cannot wait to see him as a Daddy. I could cry just thinking about it.
So, as I bring this ramble to a close, my current relationship is my relationship with my husband. This is something I cherish more than anything in the world. We are a family. DH, me, Pippin & Steve. We hope to enlarge that family - some way, some how.