Well, I've gotten the whole Mommy gig down pretty well now, but I obviously suck at blogging. There is always so much to say and share but not enough time to do it. Kate is doing so amazingly well. She eats lots of different veggies and fruits now. I make her food and this week I'm introducing beans and meats. Kate will love them, but we won't like the poops! :) Little Miss isn't crawling yet, but she is finally showing some interest in mobility other than rolling around and rocks on all fours when she wants. Kate is very verbal - sounds like "nah nah," "bwah bwah," and "ah ah" are frequently heard in addition to screaming, shrieking, and cooing.
Mr. Rambler and I are doing okay - just wishing we could be at home with our baby girl all the time. Unfortunately, that doesn't pay the bills and surely won't give us the money for all of the diapers and food and clothing we seem to go through like crazy! Here are a few pics for you to enjoy. I promise someday I'll get better at getting it all done.
5 months |
6 months |
7 months |
I'm finishing the little details of her nursery, and I PROMISE to post pics when I finish! Hope this finds all of you well wherever you are in your journey to parenting.
What a beautiful little girl!!! You are blessed indeed!!!
You are very blessed. She is getting so big!
Miss your blog posts, but I know you have been busy!
Pretty soon it will be her one year post.
Hope I get to read another post before then!
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