I forgot more stories on Dr. Terrific from today. I swear I was only there maybe 40 minutes, but things obviously happen pretty quickly between activity and our quick tongues.
After an u/s, the office's u/s machine sends the data to the patient's electronic chart. The machine doesn't automatically print out party pics provided by the dildo cam since the scans are sent wirelessly. When he said something about the dominant follie, Dr. T asked me "What size it was again? I didn't print the pic." My reply? "DUDE. I don't ever get pics of babies, can't you at least give me a shot of my pretty little follie? You're killing me." Yes, I talk to my doctor that way. I know he can take it. He sure can dish it!
Dr. T wanted me to go ahead & trigger in the office. He didn't want to wait another hour or more for me to get home and have my mom (the nurse) come over and do it. Nurse Amazing came in with the goods in hand. I instinctively dropped my drawers down, ready to get shot up again.
When I asked her what side, Nurse A didn't care. I decided on the right since that's where I usually get shots. Then I changed my mind and said, "No! Left. We did the right last time & that sure didn't work." She swabs me with alcohol when Dr. T yells from the nurses' area, "Do the side where the big follicle is!" I yelled, "And how would we know what side that was without a picture?! It's so hard to get good help around here, man. C'mon!" Nurse A and I just laughed. Dear Doctor knew he'd been beat. Point for the patient!
I told the dear 'ol doc that he constantly gives me blog fodder. He better watch it . . .
I love your doctor, too funny!
Here's to big follies!!
I would love to be a fly on the wall in that office. You must have them all cracking up.
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