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Monday, December 29, 2008

Because I'm lazy, too.

I borrowed this from Monica because I'm down in the dumps, need to write something, but I don't want to get into it all right now and start whining, bitching, moaning, complaining, crying, pouting, or all of those.

50 Things You Possibly Didn't Know About Me

1. What is in the back seat of your car right now? 3 of my coats, 1 of DH's coats, plus a curtain rod and hanger holder thing I need to return to BB&B

2. What's your favorite curse word? Probably whichever one fits whatever moment I need it.

3. Name 3 people who made you smile today? I have not seen any humans today. However, I did smile when DH called me earlier. That's probably it for today.

4. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Sleeping - my schedule is so out of whack right now.

5. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? catching up on my blog reading

6. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? hopefully getting ready to sleep

7. Have you ever been to a strip club? yes - the nekkid boy kind and nekkid girl kind

8. What is the last thing you said aloud? "Good boy, Mack!"

9. What is the best ice cream flavor? Blue Bell Strawberry

10. What was the last thing you had to drink? water

11. What are you wearing right now? school tshirt, blue pajama bottoms & pink slippers - hawt!

12. What was the last thing you ate? gummy bears

13. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? no

14. When was the last time you ran? Probably the last time someone was chasing me.

15. What's the last sporting event you watched? Yesterday's slaughter of the stupid, dumbhead Cowboys.

16. Who is the last person you emailed? Carla with "The Dailies"

17. Ever go camping? Yes, but I'm not very good at it now that I'm older and prefer the comforts of home.

18. Do you have a tan? A tan? Me? HA! I've been tan twice in my life, but I had to endure a couple of bad sunburns to get that way.

19. Do you drink your soda from a straw? Only fountain drinks.

20 What did your last IM say? It was a Facebook IM, but I don't remember it.

21. Are you someone's best friend? I hope I still am.

22. Monica wrote on hers: "Flying to Florida with Seth. Lord, help me!" but she didn't include a question. I could make up a question to go with that answer. :)

23. Where is your mom right now? Probably at work still.

24. Look to your left, what do you see? Steve sleeping

25. What color is your watch? Sterling sliver

26. What do you think of when you think of Australia? koalas, how it looks on a map

27. Would you consider plastic surgery? Yes

28. What is your birthstone? aquamarine

29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? usually in

30. How many kids do you want? Ideally? 2-3

31. Do you have a dog? Oh yes - 3 of 'em (plus a cat!)

32. Last person you talked to on the phone? DH

33. Have you met anyone famous? Depends on what one considers famous. I've met a couple of big country music stars, but most are local celebrities.

34. Any plans today? Absolutely none & I fulfilled every none of them!

35. How many states have you lived in? 1 - just Texas. Where else would I live?!

36. Ever go to college? Yes

37. Where are you right now? on the couch in the den

38. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? infertility, MIL

39. Last song listened to? quick snippets of Christian songs that I was naming on my iTunes

40. Are you allergic to anything? anything plant that grows, anything with fur, and bananas - However I still go outside, have pets, and eat bananas.

41. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? slippers

42. Are you jealous of anyone? Not anyone specific right now, but I am jealous of certain groups of people. I consider it envious.

43. Is anyone jealous of you? That's funny. I doubt it!

44. What time is it? 8:18pm

45. Do any of your friends have children? Which friends DON'T have kids? Very few do not.

46. Do you eat healthy? No. I won't even lie and pretend that I do.

47. What do you usually do during the day? Teach 9 and 10 year olds while trying not to lose my mind!

48. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Hello or hi.

49. How did you get your scars? Head & knee - car accident at age 17, forehead - running into a doorknob at age 2 (I've always had skill), all over - chickenpox scars from popping the blisters because I got a bad sunburn before the chickens bit me, left breast - lipoma removed in 1999, lower abdomen & belly button - laparoscopic surgery in April, and probably more I can't remember

50. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? I'll be 41 on March 5th. Gawd I'm getting old.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

AHHH! The stupid Cowboys and their pathetic loss was such a bad day for us! We were at the baltimore game last saturday and I think dh wanted to cry. My Dh is really good friends with the punter for the cowboys and so when we picked him up after the baltimore game he was so bummed. Hopefully next year Romo can figure out how to throw the ball to his teammates!! And they could work on holding onto the ball when they do catch it!!LOL

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